Why my New Year's resolution will happen!

New Year, New Day so out with the old right?

NO! Out with the old and in with the new is the day's slogan. So, many of us say and take

 actions towards a new and better us. We use the high spirited energy to dive in on a new 

us because we had our good times and made some regrets. We made new relationships 

and lost some. Some of those relationships we needed to lose yet still miss. We take this 

grand moment of reflection mixed with parties topped with family. Family! That's another

 blog right? We take this new year mix and all say next year will be better! I will show them! 

Right! We all look inward by using outward measuring sticks. So, here comes the 

tomfoolery... Everyone totally comes up with the master plan of the century well 

theoretically. Then, we make these absurd declarations spurred by emotional woo.  My New

 Year's resolution is a continuance of what I am already working on. Instead of coming up 

with the last minute yet idealistic goal I choose to focus in on current goals, character 

changes, and network additions that the 2017 guy was. WHY? I already see 

results so why not finish? I really make summer goals according to 

MY timeline so everything stays within reach. Still putting dates

with times makes everything actualized versus you just thinking of 

what to do. So, today I'm doing a detox. I started out by scrapping 

tongue than drinking a glass of lemon water around 4:30am. I cut a 

lemon in half; squeeze half of the lemon into a bottle of water than 

drink. I did it again around 8:30am. I will in the afternoon drink 

some green tea. One of my new year resolutions was to continue 

my once a week detox. 


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