Today A Beginner’s Guide To Socially Responsible Investing in 2020

Spurred by this interest from investors, more wealth managers are factoring ESG criteria into their investment decisions than ever before. Their investment strategy, called socially responsible investing (SRI), considers both financial return and positive social and environmental change.

Institutional investors, including some of the top mutual funds and exchange-traded funds, are making it possible to have your investments align with your values. But how does SRI measure up against conventional funds?

SRIs are investments that are considered to meet a standard of social responsibility. That is, SRI is an investing strategy based around an ethical framework that assumes the investor has an obligation to act for the benefit of society. Virtually all SRI funds abstain from investing in sectors that are deemed detrimental to the natural environment and the planet’s ecosystems (i.e., fossil fuel industries). Other SRIs extend their ethical consideration to sectors they consider to have an adverse effect on society, such as the firearms, alcohol and tobacco industries.

Socially responsible investments are still, of course, investments. Investing responsibly, therefore, requires investors to consider the potential for returns. To invest in a nonperforming stock is neither financially nor socially responsible.

Types Of Socially Responsible Investing

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to SRIs. Below are some of the most popular methods of investing with a social conscience.

• SRI funds: These actively eliminate investments that do not adhere to strict ethical guidelines via positive and negative screens. These funds may allocate a portion of their portfolio to charitable causes while abstaining from fossil fuel investments.

• Impact funds: Every investment in these funds must have a positive social or environmental impact. The fund is established to advance social goals before financial gain.

• Faith funds: This is ethical investing according to religiously prescribed precepts and guidelines.

Negative Vs. Positive Screening

What defines an SRI portfolio has shifted over the years. While there was once a time when SRI investing was marked by a desire to not own the bad (e.g., refusing to purchase tobacco or alcohol stocks), today it is equally defined by a desire to own stocks that promote a social benefit (e.g., sustainable energy and healthcare technologies).

Negative screening, on the other hand, is an approach to SRI that filters out securities that are morally unsuitable or antithetical to the fund’s stated goals. Often, negative screening weeds out investments in controversial industries or companies with a high carbon footprint.

Comprehensive SRIs involve negative and positive screening techniques to optimize their portfolio around the acquisition of high-performing ethical securities.

Advantages Of SRI

• Acting with integrity: Ethical investing takes a stance against companies that are considered to have a net-negative impact on society. By refraining from investing in them, you act in alignment with your core values and can build a reputation as a principled and disciplined money manager.

• Rewarding the good: SRIs aren’t motivated by the desire to punish companies that inflict social or environmental harm. They’re about choosing to reward companies that perform a socially beneficial function.

Disadvantages Of SRI

• Principles over profit: Investing is principally motivated by the potential for financial return. If you limit your options for investing via negative screening, you can remove some of the highest-performing stocks from your portfolio. One recent analysis found that passive SRI funds habitually underperform the S&P 500 and other unrestricted base indexes over a 10-year period.

Is SRI The Right Choice For Your Portfolio?

Social investing is no self-righteous gimmick or passing fad. In fact, U.S.-based SRI assets under management grew 38% from 2016 to 2018. SRI funds are here to stay, and young investors are at the fore of this growing movement.

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